My thoughts on Love Relationships in this blog..Call it a Love Radio Blog if you want..: Yet another Clubbin experience..

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Yet another Clubbin experience..

Got tempted by Jon to go clubbin last nite.. Coupled by the fact that Ben juz returned me a couple of hundreds.. Goin wif jon n lionel is always fun.. Those guys sure know how to let loose and enjoy themselves everytime.. Not to talk bout bein extremely comforatble bein around girls aka pickin them up. Lester was supposed to join us, but ended up drunk b4 we even reached the club cos he went fer some 9 Div dinner wif jon n there was free flow beer.. The rest was history. Aft one whole nite of dancin, while me n lionel were takin cab back to my place to pick up his bag, he said, somehow dancin wif girls seem to be not as fun anymore. Dancin wif u guys more fun, cos u guys r more spontaneous.. Things is, it made me tink bout some guys complain bout not likin their GFs clubbin or future GFs clubbin.. But yet they spend most of their time in clubs. Point is, guys should be hangin out in places they like to attract their "type" of girls. Catch? Basically if u like girls who read, then hang out more in libraries or bookstores!! Not the shopping mall or club!

We gotta tink bout how to atract them rather than have the mentality that we gotta pursue them. Humans tendency n reaction is to run away from things that chase u! Haha, agree?

One of the worst things to do is insecurity n neediness.. Girls are rebuffed by guys who seem to be dependent on them physically or emotionally.. Work on developin yr self-confidence guys.. I can testify that this is sssssooooo true!! Cos i had experienced it. A few mths back, I had a bad acne outbreak.. N goodness, did t demolish my self-confidence to rock bottom for the first time in my life. N somehow, I juz felt I could no longer hold my own posture in the company of girls. N I could start seein the effects.. Key thing is, no matter how badly u need them, don't ever show it!! Girls are sensitive to detect if a guy is desperate or clingy!!

Last thing is, even if u looked like the ugliest thing on earth, never stop improvin yr physical appearance!! I'm not sayin lookin like Michael Jackson n sorts (Apologies Mike), but more of lookin more presentable n improvin yr wardrobe of clothes!!

I've been readin up on how to improve communication and workin on it.. N i juz realise there so much info available online, but it is actually up to us to harvest this vast amount of knowledge n puttin it to practice.. Essential thing is we gotta try, otherwise we'll never know if it works.

"Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you are gonna get." ~Forest Gump~


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