My thoughts on Love Relationships in this blog..Call it a Love Radio Blog if you want..: Anger Management. Nice to friends, Crap to you?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anger Management. Nice to friends, Crap to you?

If she angers easily, dump her or love her? Is your other half temperamental whenever she or he is with you? Is this a good sign or bad sign? I believe this all depends on the individual's perception about such behaviour.

Let me put it in this perspective, if you see a stranger along the streets taking drugs, would you feel emotional towards such behaviour? Unlikely right? This is simply because the stranger has absolutely no importance in your life and you give no hoots about such deplorable behvaiour. However, if it were to be your sibling, would you explode into fits, stomp your feet and drag him/her away immediately? Likely right? My point is, if it is someone important to you, it is very likely that you would display more emotional behaviour when you are unhappy about the other party's behaviour. Nonetheless, please do not use this reason all the time to explain for your bad temper.

What i'm hoping to introduce to you, is the possiblity that your other half's temperamental behaviour could be due to their love and concern for you, that you really matter alot to them. True, it is easy to pinpoint cases where you feel they are oversensitive pricks, taking every chance to blow their top over the simplest things. That sort of situation is down to the individual to sit down their other half and talk things out in the least offensive and indirect manner.

One thing I definitely do know is the phenomenon that some individuals are angels to their friends and devils to their other half..Could it be that they take their other half for granted, they are more passionate to their other half, or it simply they value friends much more? Worst part is when their other half tells his friends about him treating her like crap, they don't believe her. For the simple fact that he is considered a very nice guy, as they perceive..I cant quite comprehend this type of behaviour really..But my best bet is that these individuals feel that its ok to show their real self and rear their ugly heads because their other half would love them for who they really are. Big Question is, is it who they really are? That I cant quite answer. I'm sure there is no absolute explanation that holds true for all similar situations, but i believe the general concept is that the individual holds no punches when in front of their other half whom they have grown accustomed to. That I must say, I do not condone such two faced behaviour..

"A man is about as big as the things that make him angry." ~Winston Churchill~


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