My thoughts on Love Relationships in this blog..Call it a Love Radio Blog if you want..: August 2006

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Hang on or drag on???

Those of you who are in a relationship now, put your hands up!! Those of you who have been in a relationship with the same partner keep your hands up!! Those who are still crazy and madly in love, hands remain up!! Now..How many people do you think still have the hands up??

The point I'm trying to bring across is..How many relationships nowadays still remain hot and passionate after a long period of time?? I'm not referring to marriage as it is a life long commitment..No affairs allowed, no flirting allowed.. But in a BGR, where the only commitment agreed upon remains in the hearts of 2 people, many a time, we tend to linger along the limits of the "terms" of a relationship. For example, do you believe that we can fall deeply for more than 1 person at the same time? Even if you have a gf/bf..

I've heard of many cases of relationships whereby the only reason why the ger still stays with the guy is because she doesnt wanna break his heart even though she doesnt like him anymore..There have been things like.."Oh, he treats me really nice.." "Oh, he's a really nice guy..." "Oh, he's going through a rough patch in life and cant take another blow.." "Hmmm..I know I shouldnt drag it any longer, but i cant help it.." Don't all these reasons (excuses) sound sssssooooo familiar??

Well, I guess if you belong to such a category, you should take a second look at yourself and make a decision..To hang on or drag on? A decision to see if you wanna try your best to salvage the relationship and fall in love with him again..Or, let it drag and drag and cause endless turmoil and torture to your own life..Is it a waste of your own time and a waste of both your youth? That you decide..

Remember, time waits for no one..Our happiness ultimately lies in our own hands..

Miss Perfect? Or does she even exist anymore?

Many times I wonder, many times I ponder..About whether I will ever find my perfect someone throughout my whole life..

Everytime you meet someone new, someone who gives you butterflies in the stomach and sends your heart thumping like crazy..You will question yourself, is she gonna be the one? We hesitate, we analyse, and in most cases we end up paralysed. I always felt that finding that perfect someone, would mean that the person has to be at the right time, right place for sparks to fly. Sometimes you think, "Hey, I think she's the perfect one for me!! Why doesnt she reciprocate my feelings no matter how hard I try?" I guess, in this scenario, she's probably not the perfect one. Why so? If she is, then it has to be a perfect match whereby she sees you as someone who is just as special. Otherwise, its just one way traffic.

We think we are still young, there is still time to continue our search for the perfect one. Just like human nature, we always feel that that the grass on the other side of the pasture is greener, ending up being fickle minded. Yet, if we don't try, how can we know if there's actually someone who is better??

On a personal scale, I believe that there will never, I repeat, NEVER be a case of finding the perfect one. Yet, I'm on a quest to try and learn from each failed relationship, sharpening my judgement on finding someone who is close to being the perfect one for me..

Perhaps as time goes by, as time starts countin down and age starts catching up on me, I might end up settling for someone who is far from being my perfect one..Is that what is happening to couples nowadays? Many times, when people describe their perfect someone, looking at their current partner, the attributes are like the total opposite..It doesnt make sense I know, but it happens. So is finding the perfect one just medicine for our imaginative minds or can it ever happen??

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