My thoughts on Love Relationships in this blog..Call it a Love Radio Blog if you want..: August 2005

Sunday, August 28, 2005

New Relevations..

At Tower Records, I suddenly rmbr wat somebody once told me bout 4 types of couples.. 1. Ugly guy + Pretty Ger = Lucky Guy. 2. Ugly Ger + Pretty Boy = True Love. 3. Pretty Boy + Pretty Ger = Match Made in Heaven. 4 . Ugly Guy + Ugly Ger = No choice. Initially I felt it was nothing more than a joke..

Until I came across an interestin opinion online n I definitely agree.. I mean the thing is, y issit that some pple settle for partners who r not exactly the ones who makes their hearts race everytime they meet up, go crazy tinkin bout them the whole day about when the next msg or call is comin!!?? Some girls complain dat they've never had luck wif guys or bonding wif them or anything like dat.. But I tink the main cause is that these charming guys dun come by all the time.. N if they did, these women might have screwed it up n busted themselves by being a bitch, uninterestin or juz plain boring. Ending up, u juz chose to slide into a comfort zone by settling for the best option which u have at the moment.. Thus explaning bout my couple theory as above. N vice versa for guys.. Perhaps you've had an opportunity fly past u, difference is u din grab it with both hands.. Or u were ill prepared. Like I said earlier, BGR skills is a skill never taught in school.. Its up to us to research it, learn it, practice it before we get any good at it.

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking."
~William B. Sprague~

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wed Nite aka Ladies Nite

Phuture was unexpectedly less crowded then usual. Tink its mainly cos school has started for all the unis so most pple have decided to give clubbin a miss i guess..

Anyway, referrin back to my previous posts where girls r simply NOT attracted to guys who appear needy.. Guys.. Its a good idea to end an interaction wif a ger first. N not keep msgin n msgin her non-stop til she ends up bein the one who gets tired of u n say, "Hey, I gtg." Girls are always testin guys.. To qualify them basically.. SO watch out.. She could b pushin yr buttons without u knowin.. Eg. Theowing a tantrum or demandin sth unreasonable.. IF u realise u r givin in everytime.. Its time for a change.. U need to show dat u r in control.. Not the other way round..

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Yet another Clubbin experience..

Got tempted by Jon to go clubbin last nite.. Coupled by the fact that Ben juz returned me a couple of hundreds.. Goin wif jon n lionel is always fun.. Those guys sure know how to let loose and enjoy themselves everytime.. Not to talk bout bein extremely comforatble bein around girls aka pickin them up. Lester was supposed to join us, but ended up drunk b4 we even reached the club cos he went fer some 9 Div dinner wif jon n there was free flow beer.. The rest was history. Aft one whole nite of dancin, while me n lionel were takin cab back to my place to pick up his bag, he said, somehow dancin wif girls seem to be not as fun anymore. Dancin wif u guys more fun, cos u guys r more spontaneous.. Things is, it made me tink bout some guys complain bout not likin their GFs clubbin or future GFs clubbin.. But yet they spend most of their time in clubs. Point is, guys should be hangin out in places they like to attract their "type" of girls. Catch? Basically if u like girls who read, then hang out more in libraries or bookstores!! Not the shopping mall or club!

We gotta tink bout how to atract them rather than have the mentality that we gotta pursue them. Humans tendency n reaction is to run away from things that chase u! Haha, agree?

One of the worst things to do is insecurity n neediness.. Girls are rebuffed by guys who seem to be dependent on them physically or emotionally.. Work on developin yr self-confidence guys.. I can testify that this is sssssooooo true!! Cos i had experienced it. A few mths back, I had a bad acne outbreak.. N goodness, did t demolish my self-confidence to rock bottom for the first time in my life. N somehow, I juz felt I could no longer hold my own posture in the company of girls. N I could start seein the effects.. Key thing is, no matter how badly u need them, don't ever show it!! Girls are sensitive to detect if a guy is desperate or clingy!!

Last thing is, even if u looked like the ugliest thing on earth, never stop improvin yr physical appearance!! I'm not sayin lookin like Michael Jackson n sorts (Apologies Mike), but more of lookin more presentable n improvin yr wardrobe of clothes!!

I've been readin up on how to improve communication and workin on it.. N i juz realise there so much info available online, but it is actually up to us to harvest this vast amount of knowledge n puttin it to practice.. Essential thing is we gotta try, otherwise we'll never know if it works.

"Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you are gonna get." ~Forest Gump~

Friday, August 12, 2005

Personality Traits that Women are attracted to...

Now that I'm Single & Available once again, its got me tinkin bout stuff I had never really tot bout in the past 2 yrs.. Like wat Joel said, I'm not sure if i know how to date or go after a ger anymore.. That struck me alot becos he has a veri gd point.. Its like once u r no longer flirtin much wif gers once u r attached, its like language, u r no longer as good as it.. U need to practice!

Same for guys who are comfortable bein wif gers or hv absolutely no problems approachin a ger dat has caught their attention. It all takes practice.. These are skills which we were never taught in skool!! Juz like financial intelligence.. Go check out SMC Website.. Anyway, back to wat I was sayin.. I found out there r certain personality traits which r generally popoular wif gers..

You know how pple always say"Wat characters r gers attracted to?" And the reply is always .. "Oh.. Be humorous.. Dat definitely works!" Yes, it works gentlemen.. Thing i question is.. Issit yr style?? Its more of a Sanguine (Go read "Personality plus", Florence Lithauer) thing if u ask me.. It somehow becomes unnatural on guys who r not by nature humorous n end up makin things worse when they try too hard..

Rather, there r actually a variety o ftraits which attract gers, but in more subtle ways.. Focus on bringin out yr style n strength which u were born wif.. AS follows...

1. Humour. Wat can I say? Key to the doorway in their hearts..
2. Intelligence n Creativity. Tink surprises, quality conversations..
3. Education. Only if its used in an interestin way that appeals to her.. Not Book worm style!!
4. Classy & Cultured. Magnetic Trait.. Esp when used subtlely..
5. Dominant. Girls like feelin.. Shows dat u care when u r a lil possessive.. Too liberal?? You r gonna be kicked out soon dude..
6. Thoughtful. A gift dat has significance or a deeper meanin.. Not buyin chocolates n stuffed toys all the time dumbo!!
7. Notice Significant Details. U tink dat sexy hairstyle or lavish outfit was an accident?? Tink again!! Girls love it when u show dat u notice their "effort" to doll up..
8. Unpredictable Vs Predictable. Former for success in flirting, latter for success in marriage.Simple.
9. Enthusiastic, Fun, Happy.This is like a muz have.. Work on it. Tink Positive.
10. Adventurous. Sexy beyond words.
11. Confident/Cocky. Juz a tinge of it will do. Be careful it doesnt develop into arrogance.
12. Expertise. Expert in an area dats appealin? Dun b afraid to flaunt it.
13. Attention. More of tellin them u were tinkin of them rather than hearin them complain.. Diff type.. Get it??
14. Disinterest. Indifference. Challenge. Girls too used to atttention will b attracted cos its like a challenge to them. Not used to it.. Be careful how u use it though..
15. Expert in Body Language. Its like a 95% girl thing n 5% Guy thing. Do yr research, practice it.
16. Sexual Mastery. Skilful Lovers. Nothin more.

-Partly Extracted from David.D-

Clear now?? Work on it. Do yr research on it if it bothers u enough.. Dis Guy Girl Communication thingy.. Skool dun teach these stuff.. Its all bout self learnin..

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Mon Night.. Gotham Penthouse to not so happenin SMU Party at Black...

Mon night went clubbin wif the usual jon lionel joe.. Dis added wif Keith, Jason, Lester, Ben, Kelly aka Lionel's Gf n XiaoPing aka Ben's GF. Shihui, Wei Zhong, Johan joined me bout 12am aft dat.. Bumped into Classmate Charmaine, Lotte n Lotte's Duplicate known as Maine. Interestin enough, the only time I always seem to bump into lotte the past few mths has been in clubs. Kinda disappointed wif her cos we nv seem to b able to meet up, cos she's "Busy" and always meet her in clubs. Which so not the way to catch up.. Kept me wonderin the whole time, haven we been pretty close before A levels?? Wif me helpin her wif her work or was it simply becos I had "Value" cos my grades wun dat bad.. N aft As it seems there ain no need to keep in contact anymore?? Perhaps not everyone values Frenship as much I guess..

Was readin dis book called "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie.. Extremely good book which has alot of learnin values in it.. Teaches bout how to make pple like u.. There he highlights 6 principles.

Principle 1, Become genuinely interested in pple.. Many times the other reason y pple listen is hopin to wait for their turn so they can tell pple bout themselves n boost their own ego of feelin important. N wat goes in goes out bout wat pl say.. Guys... Girls hate dat!! Means u r hearin not listening!!!!

Principle 2, Smile.. Not crazily smilin the whole time idiot!! Which many guys sometimes over do n end up lookin like a clown..

Principle 3,Rmbr dat a person's name is to dat person the sweetest n most important sound in any language. Stop callin her honey or babe!! Actin all cosy wif somebody u r not close enough to dat level.. Try usin her name instead, devastatin effects..

Principle 4, Be a good listener encourage others to talk bout themselves. Tried it n its became a habit. Its really interestin how pple open up to u when u make an effort to seriously be concerned bout their well bein.

Principle 5, Talk in terms of the other person's interest. Tink bout it.

Principle 6, Make the other person feel important n b sincere bout it. Famous Case. tink pink cadillacs.. Ring a bell? Mary Kay, the famous business woman who imagines the sign "Make me feel the most important" on everyone.. Incredible hospitality..

All mentioned above is not to make u appear superficial or wat..
Rather i tink its a good idea to use them as guidin principle n educate yrself bout it n work towards it.. "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act but a habit" -Aristotle-

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Girls in clubs.. Wat r they tinkin??

Juz like Guys... Girls have Egos too.. I know dat most girls out there who go clubbin tink dat they'll nv find a right guy or their Mr Perfect in clubs.. But nonetheless they still head their anyway becos they enjoy the attention showered upon them by the tons of guys in their club n gettin an Ego boost in the process.. GEttin free drinks n all n at the same time purposely teasin the guy victimisin him togeda wif all her ger frenz.. N yet often than not, appearin to b annoyed by guys who approach them, deemin them as "Bad" guys kinda stuff, yet secretly bein happy bout it, esp when she's wif a group of girls n the guy picked her!!! Girls out there, if u r displayin a behaviour as mentioned above, u might wanna reconsider yr actions ya..

Oh Yes, n while I was readin all these stuff by David Angelo, he mentioned sth real interestin.. The universal truth.. Women are far more interested in the way u make them feel rather than for your money, physical looks or fame..Haha, we guys r lucky arent we?? To all guys out there, u still stand a veri good chance wif hot gers even if u r NOT.. Yet girls have veri little to turn things around in their favour if they r solely lackin in the to looks department.. Well, dats the truth though guys hate to admit dis accusation by most girls... Work on it guys...

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